I. Rules for use
In accordance with the contents of Rule III of the Rules for the Use of the Azkoyen, S.A. Electronic Shareholders’ Forum, registration as a Forum user and Forum access and/or use represents the full, unreserved acceptance of the terms and conditions included in the current version in force of these Rules for Forum Use, the Company’s Electronic Shareholders’ Forum Regulations and
Privacy Policies, as well as the conditions for accessing and using the Company’s corporate website. The act of providing information to the Company pertaining to the inscription as a registered user of the Electronic Shareholders’ Forum represents the express consent for it to be processed by the Company, as well as for the Company to transfer any personal information generated as the result of using the Forum to any other company in their group. This information shall be saved and processed as a data file containing personal information in order to establish, manage and supervise the operation of the Forum according to the provisions of these Rules for Forum Use and applicable regulations, as well as for the adequate maintenance, development and control of the status of Company shareholders.
II. Forum registration procedure
In order to request enrollment as registered users of Azkoyen’s Electronic Shareholders’ Forum, shareholders of Azkoyen S.A. (hereinafter, the “Company”) or any voluntary associations of shareholders that have been set up according to current regulations and duly entered in the corresponding registry at the Spanish Securities Commission (the CNMV) must submit the pertinent documentation as stipulated below, following the information submission guide provided below to the following address:
III. Documentation to be submitted
Individual company shareholders:
– Document demonstrating ownership of Azkoyen shares.
– Copy of the shareholder’s Spanish Identification Card or Passport.
Company shareholders that are legal entities:
– Document demonstrating ownership of Azkoyen shares.
– Accreditation of the shareholder representation held by the person making the request.
– Copy of the representative’s Spanish Identification Card or Passport.
Voluntary associations of Company shareholders, duly inscribed in the registry set up for this purpose at the Spanish Securities Commission (CNMV):
– Copy of the document that accredits registration in the registry for Voluntary Shareholder Associations at the Spanish Securities Commission (CNMV).
– Accreditation of the shareholder representation held by the person making the request.
– Copy of the representative’s Spanish Identification Card or Passport.
In accordance with Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010, from 2 July, which approves the consolidated text of the Capital Company Act, the purpose of the Electronic Shareholders’ Forum is to facilitate communication among shareholders prior to the holding of general shareholders’ meetings. As a result, the entity receiving the information hereby informs you that the information provided by registered users when communicating proposals they intend to present as complements to the agenda announced upon the convening of the General Shareholders’ Meeting, requests for support for these proposals, initiatives intended to attain the minimum percentage required to exercise a minority right as stipulated by law or the Company’s Corporate Governance System and any offers or requests for voluntary representation shall be seen by other Azkoyen shareholders for the sole purpose that they may contact them in relation to these proposals or requests. Registered Users may exercise their rights to access, correct, cancel and oppose their information by sending a written request containing the subject line “protection of personal information” to Azkoyen, S.A., Avda. San Silvestre, s/n -31350- Peralta, Navarre, Spain.
IV. Simple registration request
Those wishing to register as Forum Users must attach the documentation specified above to an email with the following text sent to the Company:
I hereby request access to the Azkoyen S.A. Electronic Shareholders’ Forum. I have attached the necessary documentation for the valid accreditation of my condition as a Company shareholder/voluntary association of shareholders.
Likewise, I declare that I expressly accept the terms and conditions included under the Rules for the Use of the Company’s Electronic Shareholders’ Forum, the Company’s Electronic Shareholders’ Forum Regulations and Privacy Policies, as well as the conditions for accessing and using the Company’s corporate website, and I consent to the processing of the personal information requested or that is generated as the result of Forum use, including its addition to and processing as a personal information data file in order to establish, manage and supervise Forum operations according to the provisions of these Rules for Forum Use and applicable regulations, as well as the adequate maintenance, development and control of the condition of Company shareholders.
V. Issuance of a User Name and Password
Once the pertinent information has been provided in the manner stipulated above, the Company shall send an email containing a User Name and Password to the user who has made the request. These will allow the user to access the Company’s Electronic Shareholders’ Forum.