All financial information is available in the Financial Information section.
You can access them through the Press Releases section.
The current auditing company is Ernst & Young S.L.
Azkoyen Group Stock
You can find all necessary information on the Madrid Stock Exchange website.
The nominal value is €0.60.
Grupo Azkoyen has been listed on the Spanish Stock Exchange since July 1988, specifically on the Madrid and Bilbao Stock Exchanges through the Stock Market Interconnection System Continuous Market. You can find all the necessary information on the Madrid Stock Exchange website.
Once the Board of Directors approves the dividend amount, it is communicated via a notification to the CNMV (National Securities Market Commission) and published on the company’s website.
You can check them in the Dividends section.
The dividend yield depends on the total dividend for the fiscal year and the stock price. This information is published in the semiannual and annual financial reports. You can access Grupo Azkoyen’s semiannual and annual reports through the following link.
Shareholder Information
Grupo Azkoyen publishes its financial results semiannually: at the end of July for the corresponding year and at the end of February for the following year. The semiannual and annual results are published in the Financial Information section.
You can access these documents in the Financial Information section.